Our Mission

First Fruits exists to support and be a blessing to faith-based, non-profit organizations providing holistic care for families, at-risk youth, and orphans, both locally, and around the world.

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Our Vision Statement

First Fruits is working towards a world where children are safe and loved, families are cared for and helped out of poverty, and where the love of Jesus is being taught and lived through the hands and feet of His church.

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Our Target Causes

Our approach is to focus on three main social issues that lie close to our organizational values and that we feel we can provide support for, both financially and through community involvement. Our three primary target areas are:

Holistic Family Care

What is a family?

We believe that children grow up with the best chance of a successful life by being raised in the nuclear family consisting of one man and one woman as parents. We do recognize however that there are various situations, including but not limited to economic, social, physical and religious hardships that may lead to children being raised by a single parent or their relatives. We support organizations that work with families that take multiple forms, provided this does not violate biblical principles.

At-Risk Youth

What is an at-risk youth?

We define an at-risk youth as a child or young adult that does not have the social, economic, or physical protection and care of a family. Without the structure of a family, and without the love, guidance, and support of a family, a child is at-risk of running away, living on the streets, committing crimes, or being targeted for human trafficking. We support organizations that seek to intervene before these youth go down that road, but also with organizations that work directly with these youth to help them grow and develop into healthy individuals, with a strong sense of purpose and identity, through education, relational mentorship, and the gospel of Jesus Christ and other means.

Orphan Prevention

What is orphan prevention?

Statistically, an orphan is a child that has lost either one or both parents due to either death or abandonment. In many countries, children may have one or both parents, but are sent to the street or orphanage because of dire economical difficulties. These children are often left to fend for themselves at very young ages, and often become the victims of some of the world's most heinous atrocities. We support and partner with organizations that seek to intervene in the lives of poorer families, all over the world, to help them climb out of poverty in order to prevent the need for their children to be sent away. Empowering families to care and provide for themselves and their children is one of the best ways to prevent more children becoming orphans.

Non-profit Partnering Organizations