Diclosure Statements
Step Into The Need With Us
Religious Purpose Disclosure
- First Fruits, as an entity, is a faith based organization that holds to the Biblical teaching of the Christian Evangelical Faith. Its Holders, Advisors, and any other members in a decision making capacity, are followers of Jesus Christ, and make decisions that they feel are the best means of stewarding the gifts that God has entrusted to them, all to the glory of God.
- First Fruits Holders and Advisors believe that Jesus Christ requires that all His followers strive to live their lives in a manner that is consistent with the precepts and doctrines of their faith, which are grounded solely in the Bible.
- The Holders and Advisors therefore seek to operate First Fruits in accordance with the principles of their faith and strive to make all business decisions according to biblical principles.
- In light of Holders and Advisors’ faith, First Fruits exists to bring glory to God and share His truth with its members and community by serving them according to principles that honor and glorify Him.
- To this end, First Fruits seeks always to fulfill Jesus’ command to “love our neighbors as ourselves and to do unto others as we would have done unto us” by serving our partnering organizations with love and excellence.
- First Fruits wants its service to the community to bear witness to Christ, and His Lordship over its Holders and Advisors’ lives. Therefore, as First Fruits engages in supporting and serving its partnering organizations, it intentionally communicates messages that promote aspects of its faith based beliefs and practices, or at least messages that do not violate those beliefs. For this reason, First Fruits reserves the right to decline a request to partner with, support, or promote organizations that would require it to engage in or host expression that violates its Holders and Advisors’ religious beliefs.
- The Holders and Advisors of First Fruits will prioritize the above religious, ethical, and moral principles regardless of the impact on profit, or the social or cultural climate of the day.
What we Believe
We Believe
The Bible to be the Word of God verbally inspired and wholly without error in all that it declares and therefore is the supreme and final authority for faith and life.
We Believe
In the one true triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We Believe
In the virgin birth and the deity of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who is also the Son of Man.
We Believe
That the death of Jesus Christ on the cross made atonement for the sins of the world, effective for all who repent and believe.
We Believe
In the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, which ensures the resurrection of all believers who have received God’s gift of eternal life.
We Believe
That Jesus Christ will physically and visibly return to earth for the second time to establish His Kingdom.
We Believe
That man was originally created in the image of God, that he fell into sin through the first Adam, and that he is responsible for all sin that causes him to be separated from God and lost eternally.
We Believe
That the Holy Spirit indwells all who receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
We Believe
That all Christians are called to good works and are in the world, but are separate from it.
We Believe
That Christians are called to witness for Christ and to preach the Gospel to all nations.
Statement on the Sanctity of Human Life
We believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including babies in the womb, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death. We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life (Psalm 139).
General Policy Statement on Company Expression
First Fruits engages in its own expression through many of the services it provides either through financial support, volunteer service, and or publicity. In so doing, First Fruits intentionally expresses messages that promote aspects of its Holders and Advisors’ Christian faith, or views consistent with that faith. For this reason, First Fruits reserves the right to decline a request to partner with, support, or promote organizations that would require it to engage in or host expression that violates its Holders and Advisors’ religious beliefs.
General Customer Relations Policy
In the event a person or entity requests the support of First Fruits for an organization that exists or operates in a way that does not agree to the Holders and Advisors’ statement of faith, a member of the Fund must politely defer an answer until he or she has consulted with the Holders and/or Advisors or their designee. If instructed to decline the request, the member must explain that the requested support would communicate a message that First Fruits is unwilling to express. The Fund member, if approved by the Holders and/or Advisors, may provide a referral. The member can offer to refer the person or entity with the request to one or more businesses that may be willing to provide the requested support.
Customer Relations Policy for Expressive Businesses
In the event a person or entity requests the support of First Fruits for an organization that exists or operates in a way that does not agree to the Holders and Advisors’ statement of faith, a member of the Fund must politely defer an answer until he or she has consulted with the Holders and/or Advisors or their designee. If instructed to decline the request, the member must explain that the requested support would communicate a message that First Fruits is unwilling to express. The Fund member, if approved by the Holders and/or Advisors, may provide a referral. The member can offer to refer the person or entity with the request to one or more businesses that may be willing to provide the requested support.
Religious Purpose Disclosure
- First Fruits, as an entity, is a faith based organization that holds to the Biblical teaching of the Christian Evangelical Faith. Its Holders, Advisors, and any other members in a decision making capacity, are followers of Jesus Christ, and make decisions that they feel are the best means of stewarding the gifts that God has entrusted to them, all to the glory of God.
- First Fruits Holders and Advisors believe that Jesus Christ requires that all His followers strive to live their lives in a manner that is consistent with the precepts and doctrines of their faith, which are grounded solely in the Bible.
- The Holders and Advisors therefore seek to operate First Fruits in accordance with the principles of their faith and strive to make all business decisions according to biblical principles.
- In light of Holders and Advisors’ faith, First Fruits exists to bring glory to God and share His truth with its members and community by serving them according to principles that honor and glorify Him.
- To this end, First Fruits seeks always to fulfill Jesus’ command to “love our neighbors as ourselves and to do unto others as we would have done unto us” by serving our partnering organizations with love and excellence.
- First Fruits wants its service to the community to bear witness to Christ, and His Lordship over its Holders and Advisors’ lives. Therefore, as the First Fruits engages in supporting and serving its partnering organizations, it intentionally communicates messages that promote aspects of its faith based beliefs and practices, or at least messages that do not violate those beliefs. For this reason, First Fruits reserves the right to decline a request to partner with, support, or promote organizations that would require it to engage in or host expression that violates its Holders and Advisors’ religious beliefs.
- The Holders and Advisors of First Fruits will prioritize the above religious, ethical, and moral principles regardless of the impact on profit, or the social or cultural climate of the day.