Thank you for stepping into the need by supporting First Fruits, and the work we partner in to help families thrive all around the world.
Step Into The Need With Us

We have structured First Fruits so there are no overhead costs, management fees, or administrative costs at First Fruits. As a result, every dollar donated to First Fruits has a 100% translation to our sponsoring organizations.
Donations to First Fruits are processed by the National Christian Foundation (NCF), a fully registered 501(c)(3) organization, with a rich history in the non-profit space. Since 1982, the NCF has overseen the disbursement of over $20 billion to nonprofit organizations around the world, and is widely recognized as a trusted and reputable platform! All donations for First Fruits are fully tax deductible.
The link here will route you to the NCF page for First Fruits. Please utilize this link to donate, rather than writing out personal checks and mailing them to either Footprints Floors. A tax deduction receipt can only be issued for your donation, if you do so digitally through the NCF’s system.
Thank you again for your interest in supporting these amazing organizations, and for your continued support of First Fruits. Together we are able to accomplish great things, and help bring stability, security, and opportunity to many families and children, and to help them reach their full potential, and live lives filled with joy and hope!