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At World Orphans, we believe in ministry through relationships. Each country, church, family, and child that we walk with is unique. This requires thoughtfulness and adaptability for each circumstance. Here we will share with you some of the quantifiable highlights, but more importantly, we will share with you stories of real impact that come from this relational approach to ministry.

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About our Partnership

Around the world, poverty has been, and still is, the leading cause of children becoming orphaned. Empowering parents by teaching them skills and offering opportunities to work and earn a healthy wage can drastically reduce the risk of their family falling apart due to sickness, hunger, poverty and lack of education. World Orphans has created several entrepreneurial programs in different countries that take aim at poverty, and seek to empower women, by teaching them different skills, and setting up Co-Op business models in which they can sell their goods and earn money for their families.

First Fruits is proud to partner in providing funds to help purchase newer and better sewing machines, a CNC engraving machine, and hopes to be further involved in helping these small Co-Op's thrive in order to welcome in more women, thereby helping more families thrive and stay together.

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Preserving & Empowering Families

Orphan Care

Our Home Based Care program focuses on family preservation through addressing and preventing the rise of the orphan population by caring for children in their home environments.

Financial Education

World Orphans provides financial training and education for women and young adults, initiates and maintains savings programs, and issues micro loans to women seeking to start small businesses in impoverished countries.

Artisan Market

Artisans in Guatemala, Ethiopia, and South Africa were empowered with skills like jewelry making, sewing, crochet, and leather work, resulting in the production of necklaces, earrings, pillowcases, aprons, purses, and much more.

Making a Difference
  • Christian charity for children and families Walked with 72 international and US churches
  • Christian charity for children and families Who walked with 572 families
  • Christian charity for children and families Who cared for 1645 children in our home-based care programs

Together, We Write a Story of Hope

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